With over 125 years of industry experience in the arena of mobile shears, Shearcore have the most talented team of mobile shear designers, engineers, manufactures and assemblers ever. Paired with advanced manufacturing techniques and a state of art manufacturing facility, Shearcore takes demolition equipment to a whole new level delivering the world’s most powerful work tools, that industry professionals demand.
The Fortress Shearcore range of demolition shears has developed an envied, global reputation for power, uncompromising performance and outstanding reliability.
Company founder Bruce Bacon has a 30 year association with the demolition industry and his core business philosophy is simple. "We operate under a simple belief - hire great people, deliver the best product and focus on customer satisfaction."
Bruce Bacon, President Shearcore
Bruce has led the development of the shear industry for many years starting with the Le Bounty shears. He then went on to build Genesis shear and has now lifted demolition shear technology the next level with Fortress shears – now recognized as the international benchmark.

Fortress by Shearcore
Shearcore takes demolition equipment to a whole new level delivering the world’s most powerful work tools, that industry professionals demand.